Friday, December 14, 2012

Thoughts on the Connecticut Shooting

Today, I had decided to come back from my hiatus, but to blog about pin-up girls. However, after reading about the Newtown, Connecticut shooting in at their elementary school, I would just like to say a few words. All of my heart goes out to each and every person struck by this haunting tragedy. Just thinking about it brings a lump into my throat. I hope every person there is given strength from God, for these are trying times. God bless you all, and be thankful for your life.

Much Love,

Friday, December 7, 2012

Brief Hiatus/Apologies

Unfortunately, I've been having many personal issues in my life, and I cannot focus on a whole lot at the moment. For this reason, I've made the decision to go on a brief (hopefully VERY brief) hiatus. During this time, I hopefully will get to recollect my thoughts and think of more topics to write about ;) I express my deepest regrets, but I should be back soonly!

Much Love,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's December! And No More Dresses?

Ah, December. The time for ice-skating, sleigh rides, Christmas carols, and the comforting drink of hot chocolate made with milk instead of water. Oh, and don't forget the wonderful time of FINALS WEEK during this chilly month (that is, if you're still in school, like me). As many of you start to reluctantly hang up your gorgeous vintage dresses for the season because it's just too darn cold to wear them, STOP. YOU CAN STILL WEAR THEM. And I don't mean just plain-Jane without any jackets, but by wearing an over-sized sweater over them. Instant cuteness points right there! Still worried about your legs though? I highly recommend investing in a pair of tights and boots! Problem solved! Also, 'tis the season for sweater/long-sleeved dresses. Even though I personally don't care for sweater dresses, if you have the confidence to pull one off, by all means, go for it! And there are many adorable vintage options for long sleeved dresses out there! You just gotta do a lil' research! (which is way more fun than doing research for a paper) Happy shopping! Peace. Love. Vintage!

Much Love,

P.S. Please COMMENT if you have any topics for me to blog about! Or send me an email! (

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Flapper Dresses

Hey everyone! My apologies for the long wait, (that is, if any of you were waiting ;) ) I have been extrreeemmmeeellyyy busy these past few days, plus I was drawing a total blank on what vintage topic to blog about. But never fear! The most brilliant idea of FLAPPER DRESSES came to my mind (thank you pinterest!) and the day was saved. Now, moving on to today's topic...

Flapper dresses. Remember those? If not, look up the Roaring Twenties, and even the very early thirties. Back then, women wanted to look more boyish and masculine. Gone were the corsets, long hair, and figure-flattering dresses, and in came the short hairstyles, the "barely-there" bra, and the well-known flapper dresses, which have low waistlines and shorter skirts. In the 20's, it was the trend to wear a shapeless dress that did nothing to flatter your feminine figure. WHO KNEW? However, flapper dresses are starting to come back, but with a more stylish flair. I have some websites for shopping for flapper dresses posted below. And don't forget to COMMENT! I need to hear from YOU what YOU want to see on this blog! Happy shopping!
Informational website:
Shopping websites: ; ;

Much Love,

Monday, November 19, 2012

Commenting, also Thanksgiving N' Stuff...

Well, I figured I'd let everyone know that there will NOT be any blog posts made by this girl for a short while..tomorrow, I will be having a dental implant, and then the most wonderful holiday of THANKSGIVING will arrive (along with Black Friday, YAY!) so I will be out of town and not have any time to do any posting. However, I'm needing to hear from YOU what your thoughts are on this blog. Are there any topics I should write about? Anything I should avoid writing? Tell me what YOU think as a reader of this blog what YOU want to see posted on here. You can let me know either via email ( or the comment section. Let me know if you found any good vintage finds during the hectic Black Friday! Happy Turkey Day!:) and happy shopping!

Much Love,


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a watch-lover. They are a statement piece that is also more reliable than a cell phone (that is, if it's working) and you can have it on you during school, work, etc. Quite honestly, I haven't been able to stop wearing a watch ever since I went on a trip to Boston this summer. Also, after doing some "dream shopping" for watches, I've noticed many modern-day watches have a very vintage vibe to them, and they go with just about any outfit, which are awesome bonuses! If I were you, I'd save my money and invest in a very nice watch. Fossil has beautiful watches, plus other articles from way-back-when. Happy shopping! :)

Much Love,

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Why I Love Audrey

I think I should get this out there right away. Audrey Hepburn is my idol. Why? Because she was a stunning actress, naturally beautiful, spoke words of wisdom, and she used her image for good by working with UNICEF. I mean seriously, who wouldn't love that? Her beauty, grace, and style were beyond iconic, and no one will ever be comparable to her, at least in my opinion. I try to live by her words every day. She's also the reason why I decided to get a pixie haircut. Her image has helped me in so many ways, and I wish I could thank her in person for that.
So for all you Audrey Hepburn fans, here's a website that will aid you in looking beautiful in a simple, elegant manner, just like her:
Much Love,